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Assurance and Risk Advisory Services

Our services begin and end with specific business objectives, by providing enterprise-wide risk governance, enterprise risk assessment and financial risk management services. Team Mitraa believes in predicting the future events and identify and mitigate the probable risks associated with each business situation.


The team assesses the clients’ operating procedures and the existing system of internal audit process to check whether they are in sync with the business environment in which the enterprise exists, identify gaps, and suggest remedial measures. Team Mitraa provides a complete growth and improvement strategy.




  • Assistance in AuditingAudit assistance services provide independent verification of the records and provide an internal opinion to the management on the fairness of financial statements and compliance with accounting standards, laws, and regulations.

  • Agreed-Upon Procedures - These are tailored services that are agreed upon in advance with the client and provide assurance on specific issues or areas of a business operations or financial information.

  • Financial Statement Preparation - The team provides assistance in preparation of financial statements in compliance with accounting standards and provide an overview of the financial health of the organization.

  • Internal Audit - Carry out internal audit to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal controls, risk management processes and governance.

  • Compliance ReviewsAssist organizations assess their compliance with laws, regulations, industry standards and best practices.

  • Special Purpose Assurance Engagement - The team provides service in specific areas like sustainability reporting, compliance with regulatory or industry specific standards, and other specialized areas.




  • Risk Assessment - Our team will identify the potential risks to the organization and evaluate their likelihood and impact. This can include issues like financial risks, operational risks, and compliance risks.

  • Risk ManagementOnce risks have been identified and assessed, the team will help organizations develop and implement strategies for mitigating or managing those risks.

  • Internal Control Assessment - Further, the team evaluates the internal control systems of an organization to identify any control deficiencies and recommend solutions.

  • Compliance ManagementOur team also helps organizations to understand and comply with laws, regulatory requirements, standards, and best practices that needs to be adhered to.

  • Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) - A holistic approach to assessing, managing, and reporting risks of an organization.

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